These pics don't exactly depict the mood of our day...but I wanted to share them anyway. They make me smile.
The top pic is of our cute little boy in all his puffiness. He is covered, so you can't see his incredibly swollen little belly. Please keep praying for his body to get rid of the fluids appropriately. Please also keep praying for his incision to heal. We don't think there was any leaking today, but it's hard to see under all the bandages.
The second pic is our sweet night nurse, Marian. She has been great. We have been so blessed with so many great nurses, and tonight was the first time I got a picture of our baby with one. We hope to go back with him and visit our great nurses when Jude is feeling better. Maybe we'll get some shots then.
The third pic was taken when we were skyping with Caleb. It's hard to carry on a conversation with a five-year-old boy over the computer. There are many silly faces involved.
So, today was a pretty hard day. I have a hard time expressing sadness in writing. The multiple visits from neurosurgery as well as the news of his weight gain weighed heavily on us today, and I spent some good time crying. Jude also had an ultrasound on his leg to test for a blood clot. The initial results seem to indicate that he doesn't have a blood clot...just a lot of swelling. We're grateful for that. We didn't know that until late tonight, so that added to the day's heaviness.
Thank you for praying for us. We have never needed prayer more. We have never felt a greater need for the Lord.
Brandon read this tonight in Radical by David Platt. It struck home.
"While the goal of the American dream is to make much of us, the goal of the gospel is to make much of God. In direct contradiction to the American dream, God actually delights in exalting our inability. He intentionally puts His people in situations where they come face to face with their need for Him. In the process, He powerfully demonstrates His ability to provide everything His people need in ways they could never have mustered up or imagined. And in the end, He makes much of His own name."
The Lord is a solid rock on which to stand. He never fails and never waivers in His constant love and protection over you all. I know so little about the roller coaster of emotions you all have been feeling, but I do know that your relationship with the Lord will get you through. I have never known a family to live their faith as much as the two of you do. It is that faith and that strength in the Lord which will keep you through this battle. Remember that the Lord is constant and will always be there when you seek Him. I love you guys so much, think of you always, and pray for you often. I pray tonight for a better, less swollen day tomorrow :)
We are praying for you and keeping others updated on Jude's progress. Please know that you are loved and being interceded for from all over the country. Please feel free to be sad and to express that on your blog; grief is so important and is very Godly. Your honesty-- whether joy, grief, and anything in between--is a blessing to all of us. Your strength and faith are amazing, even though you don't feel it's enough. We love you all.
Praying for you baby Jude...
Praying for you, sweet wee one. And I am challenged in my life by the words your loving Mama keeps posting -- words about our God and our life in Him. Praying for you to have a long life in Him, Jude! And knowing that if this side of heaven it's a little on the short side for our liking, I plan to meet and hug you and laugh with you when we live with our God in Eternity, enjoying a new heaven and new earth that is whole and lovely and devoid of all the pain and trouble of this life!
Another Mama, Marcia in Michigan
Thank you for your sweet and beautiful words about our Savior, Jesus. Thank you for letting us be a part of Jude's life, your pain, your growth and your seeking knowledge of our LORD! I look at the blog every day and pray for you and cry and learn. My two boys also "pray for Baby Jude". Psalm 77:11-13 I will remember the deeds of the Lord; Yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds. YOUR WAYS, O GOD, ARE HOLY.
There is only one thing I can tell you honey and that is :With God you can survive anything". I know this from experience. God is the only thing that is consistant, dependable and he will hold you when this world and people make it impossible to stand up. THIS IS A FACT! Love you
We continue to cry, praise, and pray for sweet baby Jude and his marvelous family! We know that His promise is true that "All things work together for good to those that love God and are called according to His purpose." We pray for His continued goodness to be poured out in this situation! May the joy of the LORD be your strength and may His "peace that passes all understanding guard your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ our Lord."
Much love and many prayers,
Jen, Brian, Sarah, and Evan Kane
I'm pretty sure that the face Caleb is making on the computer, is the same face that your baby bro made for about 10 years! Love you guys
Emily Cross
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