Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Half Marathon

I keep calling it Brandon's "Mini" because that's what they call the half marathon that happens around race time in Indianapolis, The Indy Mini.  But, there was nothing mini about it.

Brandon had never really run long distance before when he decided to get some friends together and train to run a half marathon in Albuquerque.  He hated it, and he loved it.  And, the combination of both being in shape and having an outlet in exercise was extremely helpful during a crazy season in his life.

On the day of the race, Caleb and I ran around the course with our friend, Denise, and cheered him and our awesome friends on.  It was lots of fun until I found myself standing on a hill of large, black biting ants that crawled up my pants and bit me everywhere... causing me to freak out and almost knock over a runner... but that's another story for another day.

I am so very proud of my husband.


denise riggs said...

I still laugh out loud when I think about you almost taking out that runner!

Mandy said...

Me too! :-) And, I am seriously scared of ants now. Yuck! That was such a fun time, friend! I love you. :-)

amyfaith said...

Proud of Brandon too, sorry the ants were being naughty! prayers continue from colorado!

Maggie Pelton said...

Way to go bro!

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