That was definitely not the case last night.
I have never seen such stars. This park is far away from everything and has very little light pollution. I seriously wanted to cry several times looking up and thinking of the One who made the universe...and me. One of the very best ways I can meet with God is outside in beautiful places. He has been doing a lot in my heart over this past week, and so the opportunity to stay up after Brandon and Caleb went to bed was beyond precious. I spent time stargazing, reading Counterfeit Gods (amazing) by Tim Keller, praying in my journal, and playing with my camera.
The above shot was one of two I took of the sky. I have been wanting to learn how to capture star trails, and after a few attempts I learned how to keep my shutter open long enough to capture half an hour's movement of the stars in the sky. I couldn't see anything, so the composition was pretty blind. But, I LOVE how they turned out. I smothered some screams and jumped up and down around our campsite when I saw that it had worked. I can't wait to try it again.
"When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you had set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?" (Psalm 8:3-4) Thank You, Father.
Mandy, I can just picture you jumping up and down hiding squeals when you saw your picture. It is beautiful! I appreciate your perspective and your amazing love of God! It may have been years since we've chatted, but I can still recognize the awe you have for God in your words. Thank you for giving me one more reason to be in awe of our creator today!
awwww mandy friend, i love this, and like andrea said--i can totally picture you getting excited connecting with God that way...love you, love the picture--you need to come teach me a few things! ooxoxox
Beautiful. I love how our Creator allows us to make beautiful things out of His creation. Thanks for sharing this!
Mandy, this picture is AMAZING!! I can't believe you took it! Oooh, maybe I'll give this a try sometime- so cool!
Oooo, I likey!
I'm opening an etsy shop sometime in the next couple months, you can sell your photographs there if you'd like!
That is awesome!!
Hey Mandy!
I've been reading (and loving!) your blog for quite some time. Well, I was on Rob Feuille's Fight blog today looking at updates (I grew up in EP and the Feuille's are old family friends) and I saw your name. I thought, "Gosh, that sounds familiar!" :)
So just a quick de-lurk to say "What a small world!"
loving that photo! What were your settings? I thought about doing this exact thing last night...we have had clear skies, but it's SOOO cold....not sure it would be great for the cammy. I LOVE the D7000. I love all it can do and how it takes the photos. NOTHING to complain about. I have heard great things about the D90 too...soooo, either one....good choice
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